Apie Overview

About Us: Association of Private Institutions and Educators

The Association of Private Institutions and Educators (APIE) is a not-for-profit organization and a coordinating body committed to safeguarding the interests of various stakeholders within the private education sector. Our prime objective is to protect the interests of universities, teaching and non-teaching staff, governing body members, and students alike.

APIE membership comprises registered and recognized private universities, as well as institutes of state and national importance. We welcome educators as well as a diverse range of educational institutions, including Indian Private Universities, along with registered and recognized international universities and institutes from Asia and other continents, who can become our associate members.

Registered under the Trust Act Government of India and listed  in darpan NITI Aayog, APIE ISO 9001:2015 certified organization strives to create an environment that fosters collaboration, mutual support, and the overall advancement of private education. Through our collective efforts, we aim to address the concerns and challenges faced by our member institutions, promoting their growth, and ensuring a conducive educational ecosystem.

By joining APIE, educators and educational institutions gain access to a platform that advocates for their interests, facilitates knowledge-sharing and best practices, and offers networking opportunities. We provide valuable resources, guidance, and support to our members, helping them navigate the ever-evolving landscape of education.


The Association of Private Institutions and Educators (APIE) is dedicated to advancing and promoting the interests of educators and private educational institutions. Our mission is to provide a unified voice for private schools, colleges, and educators, and to create a collaborative platform that fosters excellence, innovation, and the highest standards of education.


Our vision is to be a leading advocate and catalyst for positive change in the private education sector. We envision a future where private educational institutions thrive, empowering students with quality education, nurturing their potential, and preparing them for a dynamic and interconnected world.

What We Do:

Networking and Collaboration: We provide a platform for private institutions and educators to connect, collaborate, and exchange ideas. Through conferences, workshops, and networking events, APIE facilitates meaningful interactions that foster innovation, professional development, and knowledge sharing.

Resources and Support: APIE offers a range of resources, tools, and support services to its members. These include access to research and publications, expert advice on educational practices, and assistance in areas such as curriculum development, accreditation, and student recruitment.


Professional Development: We are committed to enhancing the professional growth of educators and administrators in private institutions. APIE organizes professional development programs, seminars, and training sessions that cover a wide range of topics, equipping educators with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles.

Collaboration with Stakeholders: APIE actively collaborates with other educational organizations, industry partners, and community stakeholders to promote dialogue and partnerships that benefit private educational institutions and the larger educational community.

Advocacy: APIE represents the collective voice of private educational institutions in engaging with policymakers, government bodies, and relevant stakeholders. We advocate for policies and regulations that support the growth and success of private institutions, ensuring they have a conducive environment to thrive.

Our Values:

Excellence: We uphold the value of excellence in education, supporting institutions and educators to provide the highest quality of teaching and learning experiences.

Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and partnerships to drive innovation, share best practices, and collectively enhance the educational landscape.

Advocacy: We are committed to advocating for the needs and interests of private educational institutions, ensuring their voices are heard and respected in educational policy and decision-making processes.

Inclusivity: We embrace diversity and inclusivity, recognizing the importance of providing equal access and opportunities in education for all individuals, irrespective of backgrounds or circumstances.


Promote Professional Growth: We aim to support the professional development of educators and administrators in private institutions, providing resources, training, and networking opportunities that foster continuous learning and growth.

Enhance Educational Standards: We strive to elevate the educational standards of private institutions by promoting best practices, research, and innovative approaches to teaching and learning.

Foster Collaboration: We facilitate collaboration among private institutions and educators, encouraging the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and experiences to collectively enhance the quality of education.

Advocate for Policy Changes: We work to influence educational policies and regulations that impact private institutions, advocating for a supportive and conducive environment that enables their growth and success.

Provide Resources and Support: We aim to provide valuable resources, tools, and support services to our members, helping them navigate challenges, enhance institutional effectiveness, and meet the evolving needs of their students.

Join APIE:

If you are a private educational institution or educator seeking to be part of a vibrant community focused on educational excellence, APIE welcomes you. By joining APIE, you gain access to a wealth of resources, networking opportunities, and support services that will contribute to your institution's growth and success.

Together, we can build a strong and thriving private education sector that offers quality educational opportunities and prepares students for a bright future. Join APIE today and be part of our collective efforts to shape the future of private education.