File a Complaint Against University – APIE Student Corner

APIE, as a representative body, advocates for the rights and interests of students enrolling and/or studying in private universities. The association on behalf of student engage in discussions and negotiations with university authorities to address concerns and improve the overall student experience.

  • Grievance Handling: APIE provides a platform for students to voice their grievances against private universities. We assist students in understanding the grievance redressal mechanisms available within their universities, guide them through the process of filing a complaint and/or notify the universities based on the official complaint filed by a student.
  • Support and Guidance: APIE offer support and guidance to students facing issues such as academic concerns, administrative problems, admission fee issues, degree and other document related grievances, unfair treatment, or violations of student rights. We provide information, resources, and advice on how to navigate university procedures and seek resolution. APIE’s student addressal unit also notifies the universities based on the official complaint filed by a student.
  • Policy and Advocacy Work: APIE engages in policy advocacy on behalf of students, striving to improve the overall quality of education and student welfare in private universities. The association work towards influencing policies related to fees, infrastructure, curriculum, student support services, and other aspects that impact students' academic experience.

If you are a student seeking assistance or wanting to file a complaint against your university, mail us at: