Grading System of Private Universities in India

Types of Grading Scales in India

In India, colleges, institutes and universities follow their own grading system. While some adhere to percentage, some follow 10-point grading scales for CGPA and GPA.

Percentage System

Those that follow the percentage system for grading, convert the marks obtained into percentages and then rank them into the following four divisions:

  • Distinction: 75% and above
  • 1st division: >=60% and <75%
  • 2nd division: >=50% and <60%
  • 3rd division: >=40% and <50%

GPA and CGPA Grading Scale

Along with the percentage system, the GPA and the CGPA scales are put in comparison in the following table:.

Grade GPA CGPA Percentage
A+ 4.0 10 97-100
A 4.0 9.7-10 93-96
A- 3.7 9.4-9.6 90-92
B+ 3.3 9.1-9.3 87-89
B 3.0 8.7-9.0 83-86
B- 2.7 8.4-8.6 80-82
C 2.3 8.1-8.3 77-79
C+ 2.0 7.6-8 73-76
C- 1.7 7.3-7.5 70-72
D+ 1.3 7.0-7.2 67-69
D 1.0 6.8-6.9 65-66
E/F 0.0 < 6.7 Below 65

University Grading System in India

The grading system of Indian universities varies across states. Public and private Indian universities also follow different grading patterns.

Here is process of grading by prominent universities of India:

UGC Grade scale
Marks (in %) Grade Point Grade
97.0-100 10 O
87.0-96.9 9.0-9.9 A+
77.0-86.9 8.0-8.9 A
67.0-76.9 7.0-7.9 B+
57.0-66.9 6.0-6.9 B
47.0-56.9 5.0-5.9 C
37.0-46.9 4.0-4.9 P
Below 37.0 0 F
Absent 0 Ab

Conversion of Percentage to GPA as per USA 4.0 Grading System

Below mentioned are the Indian percentage grading system and their US grade point equivalent scores.

Percentage in India Grading System(%) Grade GPA as Per USA 4.0 Grading System
97-100 A+ 4.0
93-96 A 4.0
90-92 A- 3.7
87-89 B+ 3.3
83-86 B 3.0
80-82 B- 2.7
77-79 C+ 2.3
73-76 C 2.0
70-72 C- 1.7
67-69 D+ 1.3
65-66 D 1.0
Below 65 E/F 0.0

For U.S. 4.0 Scale, GPA = (Percentage/100)*4

For 10-point scale, GPA = Percentage/9.5