How to Obtain Equivalency from APIE

What is an Equivalency Certificate?

An Equivalency Certificate is a document that confirms that a degree, diploma, or certification obtained in one country or educational system is equivalent to that obtained in another country or educational system. This certificate is issued by AIPU, a recognized educational authority and serves as official recognition of the equivalency of the educational credentials.

An Equivalency Certificate is usually required for a variety of purposes, such as further education, employment, or professional licensure in a new country or educational system. It helps individuals who have studied abroad to demonstrate that their educational qualifications meet the standards required in the country or educational system where they are seeking opportunities.

To obtain an Equivalency Certificate, individuals typically need to go through a process of submitting their educational documents, such as transcripts and diplomas, to a recognized authority or organization for evaluation. This evaluation process involves comparing the educational credentials with the requirements and standards of the country or educational system where the individual is seeking recognition. Once the evaluation is complete, the individual will receive an Equivalency Certificate that confirms the equivalency of their credentials.

How to Get an Equivalency Certificate?

To obtain an Equivalency Certificate from the Association of Indian Private Universities (AIPU), follow these steps:

  • Fill the form
  • Gather required documents: You will need to collect the following documents in order to apply for an Equivalency Certificate:
    • A copy of your degree certificate or mark sheet
    • A copy of the letter sent by foreign university
    • A copy of the transcript from the institution where you completed your degree
    • A copy of your passport or other valid identification
  • Submit documents: Once you have collected the required documents, you can submit them along with the form or via email.
  • Request Forward: We would then forward the request to AIU
  • Wait for processing: This can take from few days to several weeks or more, depending on the volume of applications being processed at the time.
  • Receive the Equivalency Certificate: Once your application has been processed, you will receive an Equivalency Certificate. This certificate will confirm the equivalence of your degree to the Indian education system.

It's important to note that the specific requirements and procedures for obtaining an Equivalency Certificate can vary depending on the country or educational system in question. Individuals seeking an Equivalency Certificate should research the specific requirements and work with a qualified consultant or advisor to ensure they take the appropriate steps.

Why is Equivalency Certificate Important?

An Equivalency Certificate is important for several reasons:

  • Recognition of academic credentials: An Equivalency Certificate is an official recognition that your academic credentials are equivalent to those obtained in the educational system of another country. This can be important if you are seeking employment, further education, or professional licensure in a new country or educational system.
  • Facilitation of academic mobility: An Equivalency Certificate can help facilitate academic mobility by making it easier for you to transfer credits or pursue advanced degrees in a new country or educational system. This can help you take advantage of new academic opportunities and broaden your educational and career prospects.
  • Meeting regulatory requirements: Many regulatory bodies and licensing agencies require individuals to have their academic credentials evaluated and recognized in order to obtain professional licensure or certification. An Equivalency Certificate can help you meet these requirements and move forward in your career.
  • Enhancing employability: An Equivalency Certificate can enhance your employability by demonstrating to employers that you have the necessary skills and qualifications to succeed in your field. This can be particularly important in industries where academic credentials are highly valued, such as healthcare, engineering, or law.

Overall, an Equivalency Certificate is important for individuals who have obtained academic credentials outside of their home country or educational system. It provides official recognition of their qualifications and can help open up new educational and career opportunities.