St. Xavier's High School

Anant National University

Sanskardham Campus, Bopal-Ghuma-Sanand Road, Ahmedabad – 382115, Gujarat


Established : 2016
Country : India
State : Gujarat
Address : Sanskardham Campus, Bopal-Ghuma-Sanand Road, Ahmedabad – 382115, Gujarat
Website :
Contact No : 0271771831
Email :
Affiliation : UGC, COA

Anant National University traces its origins back to 2011 when the Anant Institute of Architecture, affiliated with Gujarat University, was founded. Subsequently, in 2014, the Anant Institute of Planning was established, and it became affiliated with Gujarat Technological University. The year 2015 saw the establishment of the Anant Institute of Design, affiliated with Gujarat University.

The culmination of this journey occurred in 2016 when it achieved the status of a private university. This marked the establishment of Anant National University as India's pioneering Design University.