St. Xavier's High School

ASBM University

Shiksha Vihar,Bhola, ASBM University P.O., Chandaka, Bhubaneswar – 754012


Established : 2006
Country : India
State : Odisha
Address : Shiksha Vihar,Bhola, ASBM University P.O., Chandaka, Bhubaneswar – 754012
Contact No : 8003456585
Email :  info@asbm.ac.in
Affiliation : AICTE, UGC, NBA

For the majority of seagulls, existence revolves around the simple pursuit of sustenance and survival, with flight serving as a means to secure their meals. However, Jonathan Livingston Seagull stands apart as an exceptional bird. To him, flying represents life itself. Challenging the established norms of seagull society, he aspires to discover a higher purpose and excel in his chosen pursuit.

"Jonathan Livingston Seagull" by Richard Bach is a fable that underscores the significance of fully embracing our lives, even when our objectives defy societal conventions. Through the symbolic act of flight, Jonathan's journey exemplifies the idea that by pursuing our dreams, we too can ascend to greater heights.

This captivating narrative by Richard Bach has left an indelible mark on countless individuals, including Prof. Biswajeet Pattanayak. It is worth noting that ASBM University, along with its predecessor, the Asian School of Business Management, owes its inception to the profound influence that Bach's work had on him.