St. Xavier's High School

C. V. Raman Global University

Bidyanagar, Mahura, Janla, Bhubaneswar ,752054 Orissa


Established : 29.02.2020
Country : India
State : Odisha
Address : Bidyanagar, Mahura, Janla, Bhubaneswar ,752054 Orissa
Contact No : 0674 66365
Email :  info@cgu-odisha.ac.in
Affiliation : AICTE, UGC, NBA

In accordance with the Odisha Act 01 of 2020, C. V. Raman Global University, Odisha (CGU, Odisha), redefines the approach to education by introducing students to fresh and inventive methods of learning. It forms a dynamic community consisting of students, faculty, and staff who are dedicated to creating a positive societal impact through innovative and purpose-driven leadership.

At CGU, Odisha, we take immense pride in our values and the collaborative environment we nurture, which fosters intellectual engagement and personal growth. Here, students are encouraged to challenge conventional norms and tackle even the most complex challenges with a blend of analytical rigor and creativity. We continually expand our range of interdisciplinary courses to enhance our existing curriculum, thereby offering a genuinely global education in the realms of science and technology.