St. Xavier's High School

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya

Village Sankra Kumhari, District Durg ,490042 Chhattisgarh


Established : 08.08.2018
Country : India
State : Chhattisgarh
Address : Village Sankra Kumhari, District Durg ,490042 Chhattisgarh
Contact No : 7000796138
Email :
Affiliation : UGC,NCTE,NAAC,AIU

Dev Sanskrit University stands out distinctly from other universities, both within the country and internationally, owing to its unique and fundamental attributes. While most universities primarily focus on academic pursuits, Dev Sanskrit University's objectives and endeavors encompass a broader spectrum, including academic, spiritual, cultural, and social dimensions. This holistic approach to learning not only enhances students' academic growth but also contributes to the comprehensive development of their personalities.

Through this educational philosophy, students' inner divinity and inherent capabilities are awakened and nurtured. This holistic approach underscores the significance of realizing and harnessing one's inner divinity, thereby fostering the complete development of the students.