Established : 2015
Country : India
State : Gujarat
Address : Vigyan Bhavan, P. O. Fertilizernagar, Vadodara - 391750, Gujarat
Website :
Contact No : 2653093740
Email :
Affiliation : UGC
GSFC University, established and recognized under the Gujarat Private University (Second Amendment) Act, 2014, is a product of the GSFC Education Society. This society is an initiative backed by the Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd (GSFC), a venerable industrial giant with a legacy spanning six decades. The university's establishment is rooted in the tradition of community service that GSFC has upheld throughout its history. The overarching vision for this distinct institution is to contribute to societal development through the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in emerging fields of professional growth.
The guiding philosophy of our educational institution is encapsulated in the phrase "Buddhi Gyanen Shudhayanti." This philosophy emphasizes the purification of the mind and intellect through the acquisition of knowledge, an essential facet of human existence. It serves as a potent catalyst for success, fostering a path toward perfection while simultaneously nurturing compassion for humanity and society at large.
Our emblem features a prominent banyan tree, symbolizing the myriad roots of innovation that sprout toward sustainable growth. The rising sun in the backdrop of the banyan tree signifies the abundance of opportunities available for personal and collective accomplishment in life.