St. Xavier's High School

IMS Unison University

Makkawala Greens Mussoorie Diversion Road, Dehradun. 248009 Uttarakhand, INDIA


Established : 2013
Country : India
State : Uttarakhand
Address : Makkawala Greens Mussoorie Diversion Road, Dehradun. 248009 Uttarakhand, INDIA
Website : http://www.iuu.ac
Contact No : 7055900075
Email : info@iuu.ac
Affiliation : UGC, BCI, AIU

IMS Unison University (IUU), a part of the Unison Education Foundation, has a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1996 when it was known as the Institute of Management Studies. In 2013, the Government of Uttarakhand acknowledged its significant contributions to higher education and granted approval for the establishment of IMS Unison University. With a legacy that spans over a quarter of a century, we take pride in our pioneering past, distinguished present, and the promising future that lies ahead.

Today, IUU stands as a premier academic institution, attracting students who aspire to excel and transcend mediocrity. The university houses five schools, each playing a vital role in fostering teaching and research endeavors. These schools offer a diverse range of programs, including undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. degrees, all of which hold international recognition. Our flexible curriculum provides students with a wealth of learning opportunities within a supportive and conducive academic environment, a hallmark of our institution.