Established : 2016
Country : India
State : Chhattisgarh
Address : Nawapara (Kosmi), Block & Tehsil- Chhura, District- Gariaband,493996Chhattisgarh
Website :
Contact No : 9373199999
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Affiliation : UGC
ISBM University's programs are characterized by a strong emphasis on research, skill development, and in-depth knowledge. The university serves as a hub for academic innovation and research, fostering collaboration between students and faculty to facilitate learning, research, creativity, innovation, inspiration, and incubation.
ISBM University is dedicated to providing comprehensive support throughout a student's academic journey. This support extends beyond teaching and learning to encompass career development, skill enhancement, job placement, business incubation, and fundraising for developmental projects. The university is steadfast in its commitment to preparing students to confront the challenges of a rapidly evolving society.