St. Xavier's High School

PES University

100 Feet Ring Road, BSK III Stage,Bangalore-560085,Karnataka


Established : 1972
Country : India
State : Karnataka
Address : 100 Feet Ring Road, BSK III Stage,Bangalore-560085,Karnataka
Website : http://pes.edu
Contact No : 8026721983
Email : admissions@pes.edu
Affiliation : AICTE, UGC

Located in Bangalore, India, PES University stands as one of the foremost educational and research institutions in the nation. The university's unwavering dedication lies in guiding students toward discovering their authentic path in the real world. Our graduates emerge equipped with the capacity to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape of intellect and technology. This achievement has been made possible through the collaborative endeavors of our administration, faculty, students, and parents over the years.