St. Xavier's High School

Spicer Adventist University

Aundh Road, Pune-411067 Maharashtra, India


Established : 25.06.2014
Country : India
State : Maharashtra
Address : Aundh Road, Pune-411067 Maharashtra, India
Website :
Contact No : 7588699738
Email :
Affiliation : UGC, NCTE

Spicer Adventist University, founded under the aegis of the Ashlock Education Society, came into being through the enactment of Maharashtra Act No. XIV of 2014 by the State Government of Maharashtra on June 14, 2014. Its official inauguration took place on August 28, 2014. The university is affiliated with both the Ashlock Education Society and the Southern Asia Division of the global Seventh-day Adventist Church, which constitutes one of the Church's 13 major Divisions. This Division oversees an internationally renowned educational network, comprising more than fifty universities, approximately one hundred colleges and seminaries, as well as over seven thousand schools, all dedicated to providing distinctive and high-quality education to nearly two million students worldwide.

Though the history of Spicer Adventist University may appear concise, it is, in reality, the culmination of a diverse and century-old narrative. Its origins can be traced back to two schools established in 1915, one in Coimbatore in the southern region and the other in Lucknow in the north. In July 1915, the South India Training School was founded in Coimbatore, initially led by Principal Gentry G Lowry and starting with 15 students, with more joining later. At the time, the "girls' dormitory" occupied one wing of a house, while the boys resided in the godown at the rear of the house. Due to the threat of a plague outbreak, the school relocated from Coimbatore to Bangalore, near Bamboo Bazaar, in 1917. Concurrently, the Christian Training School was inaugurated in Lucknow on November 3, 1915, with 14 students, under the visionary guidance of H R Salisbury, an educational pioneer in England and India. However, this school was regrettably closed down in 1920, leading many of its students to join the South India Training School in Bangalore.


