St. Xavier's High School

Symbiosis Skills and Professional University (Formerly Symbiosis Skill and Open University)

village-kiwale,adjoining pune mumbai expessway pune - 412101 maharashtra


Established : 2017
Country : India
State : Maharashtra
Address : village-kiwale,adjoining pune mumbai expessway pune - 412101 maharashtra
Contact No : 2027187768
Email :
Affiliation : UGC, AICTE

Symbiosis Skills and Professional University (SSPU) was established in 2017 is a part of Symbiosis imparting knowledge in the fields of skill development. The institute is ranked among Top 50 Private Universities in India by ARIIA 2020. Students from the university are placed in well-reputed companies such as Rayna, TATA Motors, Nichrome, Pantaloons, etc. for internships.

SSPU Pune offers Undergraduate and Diploma courses in the streams of Engineering, Management, and Science, admission to which is mainly based on merits obtained by the student in the qualifying exams. The final selection of the applicant for the admission is done only after clearing the interview round. Whereas the BArch course demands NATA or JEE Main exam score for its admission. It consists of four institutes: Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, Symbiosis Vocational Junior College, Symbiosis Junior College